Monday, October 26, 2009

I am everything, I am nothing

From the gate, you betta watch ya muthafucking mouf.
- The Wu


Doctor Gill here with another pointless and addictive post. How was your weekend? Mine was good. I discovered the closest I can get with a girl at a house party is when she's running out the door. Serious. True story. It happened. It was sad and hilarious at the same time. Oh well. What can I say? I am a doctor in many things except a doctor of love. I leave that to Gene Simmons.

(KISS reference)

Anyway, I have an announcement. It's been bugging me.

I have a very very small fan base. People sometimes post a comment. Sometimes, despite me asking them to post a comment. Sometimes.

Well, usually the comments are not relevant to the post.

See, when I ask you guys to comment, I don't mean comment on me. I am quite aware I am a freakie-deakie fuck.

I. Do. Not. Need. You. To. Tell. Me.

So, when I write a post and I get a comment that says "You're a retard," it has no effect on anything. I want to read your point of view on the topic, or lack thereof, in the post. Not me.

So, go back and re-read some of my posts that you liked and write a real comment. Come on, people. This blog is to watch you watch me, not watch you judge me. Though that is welcome in moderation as well.

My next post will be on racism. Enjoy. bitches.

Oh and do

~love yourself~


  1. Wow, interesting post. I like the way you got your point out. I understand where your coming from. Sometimes, people don't comment anything good.

    It's not great, but there's a sample for you to follow.

    -Doctor Gill

  2. oh wow interesting post!it was really interesting and it caught my eye...hmm interesting...:)

    ...m i close?:P
