Sunday, July 5, 2009

It is finished, and it has begun.

Today, what a beautiful day it is.

I've finished writing the pilot episode of my soon to be hit television drama/comedy. Can't wait to present it to the corporate heads of every single production company in the country. Then, I sit back and watch them bid. Hehehe.

I do hope this works out, as it has been a long time dream for me. But, something tells me, it will. My Lord, I believe, has got my back on this.

In the mean time, I've began the mind maps and charts for the motion picture I've been planning. Can't wait to start that either. I've already proposed the idea to a friend of mine, who happens to be a director, and he is excited. He seems to like my approach and idea. I hope the rest of the world feels the same way.

Make or break, baby. This is it.

I'd love to write some information about these two projects, but, for my own safety I can't. Not yet. In time, perhaps. So, when the time comes for you to find out more about these projects, I'll compose a new blog post revealing air-times. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Woo!

On a side note. I am growing rather impatient. Mein herz brennt, I believe fits well here.

Number one, is my job status. I have resigned, *** (will resume)

sub note:
Resignation felt so motherfucking good. I swear to you. It was one of the most satisfying things I've done all year.

Side note to Mathieu:
"Yes, Clarice, I can hear the screaming of the lambs."


and am waiting further confirmation from the new place. (No names will be posted.) I don't really blame the recruitment person, (name) told me that (name) had just started there and had a lot to catch up on. I just hope (name) remembers me during (name)'s heavy workload.

Number two, is mein herz. Ah, yes. Not to say I'm impatient really, but, I would like to be able to move it along a little more. Perhaps having a car would help speed up the process. It's kind of hard to arrange a meet with (name) when I'm completely dependent on my empty wallet and public transport. Pain in the ass, public transport. By the time you get where you're going you smell like an anchovie's cunt. (RIP George Carlin. You were a true influence, and you are greatly missed.)

Number three, is the ever annoying tick-tock of the day passing by. Not many things to look forward to on a daily basis, but, things in time. There are things that I am looking forward to. But, as I said, the forsaken yet independant tick-tock of father time is beginning to annoy me. But, I suppose, good things take time to formulate, and I am thankful they are there. So, I must learn to be patient. Ironic, I am a very patient person, but off late, I seem to be losing my control of that particular virtue.

Diagnosis : Stalemate.

Tun up the bass, please. I don't think my prostate can feel it yet.

Eagerly waiting for Monday's update from my padawan younglings in (name). That's right, people, I've resorted to Star Wars references.

I'm going to go slap myself stupid. Please excuse me, oh and do

~love yourself~

Oh, and it has come to my attention that people who carry the MC1R gene are growing extinct. That's right, people with naturally blond hair are slowly disappearing. Is this good or bad for the human race? I've always found blond women attractive... until I try to talk to them. So, is this a good thing, or a bad thing? You decide!


    congrats dude, so happpy

    fuck them all

  2. hahahahahahha... that's my homeboy!
